The Horse Festival in Murghab! It is held once every two years. And we are there!
Please have a look at Harry’s photos (previous post) of the Murghab Horse Festival.
The festival is fanciful! It belongs to myth and legend. Men wear curious hats. They slip down the bellies of regal horses to pick up red parcels off the dusty ground. Bare-chested men wrestle each other off horse-backs. Dapper men chase and catch girls-on-horseback. Then girls chase and whip men-on-horseback. Tiny boys in three piece suits recite epic passages of Tajik poetry. And all the while, elders with triangular beards cluck and coo.
It’s fabulous. It’s dazzling.
And it’s easy to forget that the people of Murghab are up to their necks in hardship!
And we should not forget ….
- The village of Murghab is snow-bound and cut-off from the rest of the world for four months of the year.
- Snow lies a meter deep and temperatures drop as low as -45 degrees Celsius.
- There are no trees. They collect shrub and dung for fuel and use mud bricks to build small, stocky homes.
- Families are shut indoors for winter. They live sparingly off goods stock-piled in summer.
- Mosquitoes make a mockery of the short summer! They are unfair and bloat with blood. While little children scratch their faces to pieces.
- Water comes from small, individual wells. These freeze in winter and families need to draw water from a larger well on the outskirts of the village.
- Electricity is erratic; it alternates daily between the two halves of the town. The voltage is too low and the amperage is too high, to charge anything.
We salute the people of Murghab! They are made of exclusive stuff to rise above all this … their daily drudge.

The houses are very basic. Electricity is erratic with a voltage too low and an amperage too high to charge anything!

We stay here. The modest family run guesthouse is fully booked because of the horse festival. Zabek (right) offers and we gratefully accept a room within their house.

Don’t underestimate Zabek. Here she translates for a visiting French dignatory at the Horse Festival. Studying English & French in Bishkek for 1,5 years has set her apart!

This is the only ablution and it is in the communal room. A 2l container slowly drips water into a basin through a home-made tap. A bucket in the cabinet below collects the used water.

This is Zabek’s brother. He is busy with building extensions to the guesthouse. The mosquitoes bother him constantly.

They rush to see the different country flags on our panniers. The Tajik flag (at the end) draws big smiles!

This is the village market … a few rows of containers. (see how the ladies cover up their faces – from the wind, sun and mosquitoes)
Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful…
I see on your web-site: all is good
Wonderful pictures of such hard living conditions and of contented looking children in spite of the mossies.
Your poor face!!
It is all such a contrast to our comfortable lifestyles.
Linny & Harry, we think you are made of exclusive stuff!! The children are cute! One is astouned and also touched by such poverty and basic living conditions – one wonders if the horse festival was the reason for the village and if that is sustaining them. This reminds me of the Riemvasmaak community. The dish and solar panel is very interesting! My Vriendin Lyn – die mozzies mors met jou!! Winty is facinated and wonders about schooling especially the harsh winter months!
Just make one grateful for what we have. Watch out for that mossie’s!
Are you going to enjoy every little bit of your home anew or what. But that is the nature of travel is it not. It gives us a fresh appreciation of the wider world and our own spot in it
Lol, I see the Chinese made toy car.
This is really humbling to see with how little these people make do with. You are so blessed to be able to do this trip, thanks for sharing and don`t stop reporting back !
Wow, those are some pretty harsh living conditions. This must be such a humbling trip for you guys. Thanks for the great pictures…keep them coming!
Jan says he showed the pictures to Boyce who wondered if Linda went to a doctor with her bites!
Jan said if there was much of a doctor there he would probably just have laughed
Linda you were smiling in your bitten anguish but the anguish around you in the poverty you encountered was really very sad. So as you did you could put up with the midges and the mossies
Hey Linda, I see you are enjoying the mozzies, thats why I took up beekeeping, used to get a free “steek” from time to time……….
What a difficult life some have to live. It is surely unbearable yet these brave folks stick it out there. Your photos make us very humble and it is unimaginable hardship that you have seen.
With respect to Harry’s bit on the horses now we can begin to understand why there were no longer enough horses for the goat’s carcass polo game.
Zabek must have managed to rise above the usual by her studies in Bishek, absolutely fantastic! G&J