Every afternoon just before sunset members of the Indian and Pakistan military meet at the border post between Attari & Wagah to engage in a display of military showmanship.

Officially the purpose of the ceremony is to lower the national flag and close the borders but what really happens is a mix of formal marching, chest beating, foot stomping and high stepping as the two sides try to out do each other.

Oiled moustaches and over the top dress uniforms only add to the theatrical mood.

While the participants treat the ceremony with absolute seriousness, the crowds on either side of the border are, at times, here more for the carnival mood than for the symbolism of the rift between these two countries.

Its all highly nationalistic, but considering the tense relations between these two countries , it seems to be remarkably good natured

Muslim Pakistan is on the left and Hindu India on the right

Muslim Pakistan is on the left and Hindu India on the right


On the Indian side it is full of locals

On the Indian side it is full of locals


On the Pakistan side its a more sombre affair , with woman

On the Pakistan side its a more sombre affair , with woman


 separated from men

separated from men


Under the watchful eye of guards on the Indian side

Under the watchful eye of guards on the Indian side







Woman start to queue

Woman start to queue


dance and

dance and




celebrate their pride

celebrate their pride




by running with the national flag towards the closed Pakistan border gates

by running with their national flag towards the closed Pakistan border gates


 and back again

and back again


On the Pakistan side

On the Pakistan side




the border guards begin to assemble

the border guards begin to assemble




The call of the bugle

The call of the bugle




 triggers the showmanship

triggers the showmanship




Border gates

Border gates


are flung open

are flung open


 to the joy of both sides

to the joy of both sides






Pakistan faces India. India faces Pakistan

Pakistan faces India. India faces Pakistan


Flags are lowered

Flags are lowered









and carried away with equall theatrical flare

and carried away with equall theatrical flare


After the ceremony crowds flock to the closed gates

After the ceremony crowds flock to the closed gates


and the sun sets on another successful ceremony

and the sun sets on another successful ceremony



Here is a somewhat cobbled together short video (shot with my happy snappy pocket camera) of this border closing ceremony.

And here is a more professional longer version , with thanks to the Border Security Forces , India