Most of Uzbekistan seems to be working the fields. Water is led from the Amu Darya river in big and small channels to grow crops.
These are the only lucky donkeys we see in Uzbekistan!
Motorbikes also work the fields.
We see endless cotton fields …. the main cause for the drying-up of the Aral Sea.
Can you spot the guy fast asleep on the seat of his bike!
And this guy … on the dashboard of a bus!
Petrol is sold along the road in all shapes and sizes and OCTANES.
We are sitting under a tree eating a watermelon we just bought from this guy. He is conducting business on his cellphone.
Roads between Uzbek cities are not good. This is a wobbly bridge across the Amu Darya river.
We see plenty of old timers on the road.
This is how local folk sleep. It is wonderfully cool at night and safe from mosquitos.
It took us a while to figure this shower out!
A wallet just doesn’t work anymore – this equals 50 USD.
Bikes are such a drawcard. People come up to us all the time!
This lady absolutely insists on selling her bucket of apples at sky-high tourist prices. And I love apples!
These low level tables throughout Central Asia are the answer! Drink & Eat & Drop off!
Harry gets caught by a Japanese film crew trying on a Uzbek winter hat!
Trying a variety of meat pies. To be honest; a little too gritty and fatty for our liking.
Harry ‘survives’ & I ‘relish’ our hamman experience in Bukhara (see next pic).
Two fellow bikers from Bulgaria we befriend in Bukhara.
And two travellers from Saudi Arabia we meet at our guesthouse in Bukhara. Their next trip is on a motorbike for sure!
From the roof terrace of our guesthouse in Samarkant – lots of dodgy electrical connections.
Our bikes in the courtyard again …. with carpeted walls.
A dear soul who keeps us company as we fix a broken spotlight on the roadside.
A piping hot and very good stew follows tea!
And her lovely aunt.
We hope they manage to visit us in SA so that we can show them elephants!
And this post comes to you from an internet cafe with a very rowdy group of boys playing video games!
Very interesting – but Wendy will NEVER survive!!!! Linnie and Harry you are two amazing people and so wonderfully “rich” to experience a world never known to us and one we will only see and experience through your brave and adveturous spirit!!!! As my Gran use to say: some people can and some just can’t!!!! The shower – don’t know what is worst: being dirty or being daring to venture in!!!!!
Take care our best and dearest friends with so much free spirit and OOOMPH!!!!
Wendy and Amelia
Great pictures giving us a glimpse.of a country new to us. Also had a laugh at the 5 star motor bike accommodation and the useless wallet!! A & V
I am so happy for you to be experiencing all of this.
Hi L & H
Linda, Just thought I would let you know that SHRA have awarded the RCG to Fairview. The wheel turns yet again. Have fun. Lots of sun, better that back here where it has been raining and cold.
Hi guys, we missed you at Glenn’s party, but he’s been telling us about your adventures! Thanks for sharing! love Janice (Glenn’s sister)
I really admire both of you – take care,enjoy yourselves and safe travels.
You are having the most amazing trip. Some of the photo’s could have been Africa with all the poverty.
Have fun.
What wonderful friendly and happy looking people! I love apples too and they looked good. Did she make a sale I wonder? I almost missed the pig on the first photo. Gail
You must have sorted out the engine problem on the Dakkie. I love reading your stories and the pics are cool. I see Linda met her aunt at last, must be on Harold’s side of the family? Strongs and cheers from a very wet PE.
Ai … this is just great. And good on you for promoting our Addo Elephants :-). Hope you kept that lady’s phone number – if I win the Lotto I will pay for her trip to see elephants in Aftica. Experiencing the simple life with simple people in their simple environment is what it is all about …thanks for sharing, Nod’s
You both look so happy!!!!!
Glad to hear the news from you two.