We ride deep inside a valley. It holds the Pyanj River that separates Tajikistan from Afghanistan.
I know we said we would go no where near Afghanistan. BUT! THE TRUCKERS TOLD US TO! ‘The shorter, northern route that leapfrogs the border with Afghanistan is an ‘avoid at all costs’, ‘total catastrophic’, ‘road of rot’.’ ‘The longer, southern route that hugs the border with Afghanistan is better.’
It’s a longer route but Josephine (Harry’s bike) behaves well as long as we empty her ‘catheter’ every 30 – 40 km. There is not much we can do until we get to a big city anyway.
A good night’s sleep washes away our creepy apprehension. And the next few days we follow the better, southern route and slip through villages from Dushambe to Kulyab to Khorog on the Tajikistan side of the Pyanj river.
The landscape is magnificent! It fills our guts and blows our minds.
We have a road on our side. It crosses countless riverbeds, with endless stretches of slippery pebbles. ‘They’ have a single, rickety track on their side. It clings to the cliffs, with chunks washed away by avalanches. And on it we see … Afghans walking …
… field to field, village to village … in turbans and cloaks, and peaks and jeans … with donkeys and bicycles and ‘piki-piki’s’ …
They are too busy, with the task of life, to gawk and gape back at us. But a single group, young boys, stops and stares for a brief moment. We are frantic to haul out, and wave, a white flag at them, on behalf of us ‘ordinary people’!!!
Yes, it’s true. Our hearts miss a beat when Tajik foot soldiers, always three by three, stop us, a few times each day. They check our passports, playfully ask for cigarettes, for vodka and wave us along merrily. And we are told not to camp alongside the river …
But the sight of three trucks clawing onto a disintegrating curve of the road freaks us out. We worry and wait for five hours as a group of truckers ease them up and on and out of the way. And this is not even on the ‘avoid at all costs’, ‘total catastrophic’, ‘road of rot’.
Yes! All of a sudden all those Afghan walking …. Are not scary at all!

And every 30/40 kms we stop to attend to Harry’s ailing bike. We drain the oil from the air filter box (with blue bottle in view) and pour back into the oil tank on the otherside.

Here is a border patrol office. Someone shouts down at us and we make our way up the track on the left. The officers have socks but no shoes on ….

We spot that green patch along the river & reckon its a good camping spot. But 3 Tajik foot soldiers, appear from nowhere, and due to possible Afghan snipers, ask us to move on.

Here, on another occasion three Tajik foot soldiers stop us. Harry manages to snap these photos with the helcam.

We have zoomed in on the soldier’s belt buckle. We find it fascinating that they are still issued with ‘hammer & sickle’ belts 30 years post communism.

… they ask for vodka and cigarrettes (we have vodka, but there is NO WAY we are going to share) … and then wave us on merrily.

… a truck clawing onto the road. You can see its far back wheel has dropped off the edge. The truck is being emptied …

Two trucks, daisy-cabled, pull the third truck out. The first attempt fails (see snapped cable on the right).

I suppose we are lucky we are skinny-er than trucks … except they often leave us no room on the road!!!
Wow! Just WOW WOW WOW!!!
Fantastic pictures but fearsome travelling conditions. For the courageous. Well done.
Gosh how resourceful you are having to be through all these many quite scary experiences——-congratulations to you both for your bravery and stickability !! Take care ! Love as aye xx
Dearest friends, you are indeed brave and deserve the prize of this lifetime experience. Safe journey
Once again Wendy says ‘not for her”, but immensly impressed with your tenacity and biking skills to be able to negotiate those roads. You are truly IRONMAN CALIBRE!! Amelia would have enjoyed the ride, but it is just too daunting! The scenery is spectacular and the condition of the ‘road’ difficult to comprehend. Thank you for being so brave and through your bravery we are exposed to a world that we did not know exists! Words are so limited to express our feelings and emotions when reading about your experience! You truely are in the University of life!!
Again speechless. Gail does not like the roads or the trucks. Too small and too big respectively. Jan says this is indeed country for VERY tough guys. The walking Afghans are amazing and amazingly tough looking too. You folks are in a different world far removed from Africa. Jan says this is so impressive he cannot say anything and that is in itself quite something!!!
Glad to hear you are still soldiering on, sick bike and all. The scenery is very desert like and looks like it could get real hot in summer!
Glad to see Josephine is still running well. Amazing landcape and memories of Swartbergpas and “Die Hel” comes back. Careful and take it easy. Nod’s
Nice post